Heating and Industrial Processing
The Fitch® Fuel Catalyst:
Installed on almost 1,000 commercial, condo and Co-Op buildings in NYC
Reformulates fuel oil extracting more heat/gallon
Reduces fuel consumption on average by 14% in commercial applications
Reduces fuel consumption by an average of 20% in residential applications
Pays for itself in less than one heating season
Works for years to follow
Easily installed and maintenance free
Significantly reduces greenhouse gases and asthma causing smoke
Substantially Reduces maintenance costs and unscheduled downtime
Can be installed anywhere on the fuel line
The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is UL certified. Installation will not affect your warranty. Residential applications are warranted for 10 years. Commercial applications are warranted for 10,000 operating hours.
Because fuel treated with the Fitch Fuel Catalyst burns more completely and efficiently, it reduces carbon build up therefore reducing system maintenance. It is easily installed on the fuel line. Commercial Installations or Residential Installations should be performed by a professional. It is maintenance free.
Residential Application
“The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a well-respected product which significantly reduces fuel oil expense and pollution. Their product is also cost-effective since the cost of the product can be returned in one fueling season without added expense or assessment.”
- Walter T. Gorman, P.E. – President – Walter T. Gorman, Inc. P.E., P.C. Consulting
Installed on almost 1,000 residential and commercial buildings in NYC
"Fitch was one of our best operational decisions ever. We reduced fuel consumption on our boiler by 10.4% and the Fitch Fuel Catalyst has more than paid for itself in less than one year."
- Nicholas Nikic: Resident Manager of 1088 Park Ave – a Douglas Elliman property
“Amazing product! We installed the Fitch Fuel Catalyst in 2010 and within that first year, we saved just short of $15,000, recouped the cost of the unit, the cost of the installation, and put additional money back in our pocket. Best of all, the savings has been at least that much or more, year after year, at no additional cost."
- Brian Moore, Resident Manager 1115 Fifth Avenue - A Brown Harris Stevens property
"Jeffrey Gural, the chairman of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, gave the converter a test run on a sample of the firm’s properties during the winter of 2011 and after a successful trial, made plans to outfit all of the firm’s oil‐heated properties by 2014. Oil that is treated via a Fitch Fuel Catalyst burns more efficiently and thus, carbon build‐up is reduced. This reduces the frequency of heating system cleanings as well as the emissions of greenhouse gases."
- Real Estate Weekly Sept 3, 2014, Dan Orlando
To Whom it May Concern,
In 2012, as part of a fuel reforming catalyst for efficient energy usage project, managed by the UConn Department of Chemistry, a Fitch Fuel Catalyst was installed on my personal residential oil burner as part of a class demonstration. I’d like to express how much cleaner my chimney and burner remained over time in comparison to previous years when I did not have the Fitch Fuel Catalyst. Also, my oil consumption prior to installation with Fitch was on average about 440 gallons per year. Oil prices per gallon back then were close to $4.00 but since then, $2.65 - $2.90 has been the average with a few spikes in 2020. After installing Fitch, I was able to drop down to a .5 gph nozzle from the original .65 gph nozzle. This is about a 24% reduction.
If I estimate the average price of oil per gallon to be $2.75 times 440 = $1210.00 per year. By reducing the nozzle size, I am probably only burning 340 gallons times $2.75 per gallon which would be about $935.00 per year. I estimated saving around $275.00 per year on oil and I’ve had the FFC installed for 11 yrs. I would guess between saved $1100 in cleaning bills and on the conservative side, close to $2000 - $2500 on oil over the years. I didn’t keep the best records but I do know my boiler required a lot less cleaning of all factors associated with burning oil which adds to the environmental benefit of cleaner air. Unfortunately, with less oil and less boiler cleanings, the oil companies are probably not happy but, if they valued their customers, the Fitch Fuel Catalyst would be recommended, and their customers would appreciate the gesture.
After 11 years of experiencing the financial and environmental benefits of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst on my fuel oil boiler, I am ordering my new one since the one from 2012 has lived out its warranty period. Environmentalists and savvy homeowners where have we been? I highly recommend the Fitch Fuel Catalyst for any homeowner or even commercial business that operates on fuel oil or even natural gas. It is well worth the investment.
Best Regards,
Mr. Dave Wells
Shrewsbury, MA
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