Commercial and Recreational Marine
Commercial Marine
Reformulates the fuel so you extract more energy/gallon
Reduces fuel consumption by 5-10%
Pays for itself in 5 working months & works for years
Significantly reduces emissions
Materially reduces maintenance costs and unscheduled downtime
Easy to install and maintenance free
Approved by Lloyds Register and American Bureau of Shipping
Used on over 500 commercial vessels around the world
Can be installed anywhere on the fuel line
Fitch Fuel Catalyst: Making Engines More Efficient
Golden alaska
Tri Marine Group
F/V American Triumph, Marshall Islands
“Our friends at Tri Marine recommended the Fitch Fuel Catalyst system to us after conducting their own tests using engine dynamometers, electronic load banks and fuel meters to measure the efficiency improvements. They reported between 4 and 7% savings on fuel consumption and drastic reduction in their carbon emissions. As a result, Fitch catalysts are now satisfactorily installed on the mains and generators of ten of their large purse seiners operating from American Samoa. Following this advice, we have completed installation of Fitch units on 3 of our vessels and plan to equip the remaining ones as quickly as possible”.
The Fitch Fuel Catalyst diesel reforming device can be easily installed by your mechanic. The catalyst reformulates diesel as it passes through the device allowing more energy to be produced per gallon of fuel. The engine converts the chemical energy in the fuel to mechanical energy in a more efficient and complete manner. The engine power is increased, toxic emissions per unit of diesel are decreased and fuel efficiency improves. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst has no moving parts and is thus maintenance free. It is warranted for 500,000 miles or 10,000 operating hours,
"We are in our 2nd Bering Sea crab season with a Fitch Fuel Catalyst installed on our vessel. Many of us on the Pinnacle crew own our own salmon boats that have also been equipped with the Fitch. The overall consensus, we are definitely all saving money on our fuel because of Fitch. We recommend Fitch to anyone interested in reducing operating costs and emissions."
- Mark Casto, Captain, F/V Pinnacle - Seattle, WA
As fuel costs increase and markets fluctuate, vessel owners are seeking new and innovative technologies that can save money, reduce maintenance costs, and help improve the environment that supports their industry. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is one of these proven technologies. It has been validated by independent test labs, in the field, in a University Lab under a U.S. Defense Department grant and is already installed on over 500 ships along the West Coast, Alaska, Canada and Asia including the entire fleet of the largest operator in the U.S Distant Water Tuna Fleet-Tri Marine Management.
"The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is installed on both of our fishing vessels – the Courageous and the Baranof. Since beginning our 2014 season, these vessels have reported reduced fuel consumption of 50 to100 gals/day, as well as cleaner centrifuges. This calculates to a 7% - 9% fuel savings on a daily basis. We are very satisfied with the performance of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst."
- Chuck Hosmer, GM, Romanzof Fishing Co. LLC
Engine: CAT 400 RPM – Tank size: 160 gallons
We just wanted to tell you that we are very happy with your drop in Fitch catalyst pellets. We have completed two operating seasons using your product and last year did a top end overhaul on our main engine. The injectors were removed easily and contained no trace of carbon. Inspection of the piston crown revealed bare metal. I'm very impressed with these results and I'm convinced that a clean fuel system is the key to healthy engine performance and fuel economy.
Your product is very easy to use and very economical considering the cost of fuel. I don't require any further evidence or guarantees because I can physically see the results in my fuel system and exhaust. Thank you for all your technical help.
Bob Jordan
Westwind Tugboat Adventures
Client: Malpro Shrimp Fleet - Mazatlan, Mexico
Installed on numerous vessels
Fitch Models: F100HDG
Engine: CAT 3408
Results: Ranged between 12 – 15% fuel savings
Vessel: Ocean Angel III
Owner: Steve Lovejoy
Fitch Model: F100HDG
Results: Main Engine & Genset operating much quieter & eliminated previous knocking on genset
Vessel: F/V Royal Dawn
Owner: Brent Biller
Engines: Cummins KTA 1150 Main, CAT 3304 & Izuzu Genset engines
Fitch Models: F100HDG & 2 Qty - F5HDG
Results: 1/2 gph reduction in fuel usage. This equates to $2,500 in direct fuel cost savings if the main is operated 20 hours per day for 100 days and fuel costs remain at current $2.50 price in Fish Harbor
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Recreational Marine
Reformulates the fuel resulting in a more complete burn and extracting more energy/gallon.
Reduces engine and generator fuel consumption by 5 to 10%. Works for years.
Significantly reduces emissions keeping your boat clean.
Causes your boat to run more smoothly
Easy to install and maintenance free
The Fitch Fuel technology is installed on over 15,000 pleasure craft around the world. Installation can be as simple as dropping the product into the fuel tank in the case of smaller craft, such as a runabout, or for larger craft, such as a sport fishing boat, installing it on the fuel line. “Drop in” units cost as little as $52.95. “In line” units can range in price from $242.95 to $5,807.00 for large vessels.
Installation will not affect your engine or generator warranty. The product is warranted for 5,000 operating hours.
"I've been using the Fitch Catalyst in both my Harley and Bass Boat for several years now and the benefits are incredible. First with the Harley its a 1992 FXR and I have had the Fitch system in it for 6 or 7 years. It has improved my performance and fuel mileage of the bike. The boat was a Ranger R72 Bass Boat and its been about the same time frame for it. Now with the New Ranger 2013 Z119 I have also added the Fitch system to it and again better fuel mileage and performance. The most important thing with both the bike and boat is this time of year. As winter approaches and most of us that have boats, bikes or other water craft have to start thinking about winter storage its several hundred dollars to get these things winterized. Well with the Fitch Catalyst System you do not have to worry about using stabile in the fuel system. Simply store your boat, bike or whatever and it will be fine come spring time. I've done this for years now and never had a problem thanks to Fitch. I would highly recommend there products to anyone who has to store their toys for the winter. For once a company has put out a product that does what they say it can do!"
- Sgt. Joe "Sarge" Kowalski Jr. USMC 80-93 Co-Host - American Hero Experience NBC Sports Network President and Founder - Maj. Steven Roy Andrews Fishing Outreach Program Inc. Host and Founder- The Biker Report on WCCC 106.9FM
The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is also marketed by Walker Engineering under the brand names Walker Fuelsep and Walker Black Bullet
"There is no question as to the catalyst's ability to meet these claims" Read more
"... on our 43 ft Fairline with twin Volvo Penta 73Ps'the Fitch Fuel Catalyst (Walker FUELSEP) reduced soot on our transom. This is a solution to transom soot worth considering. It sure cleaned up our act"
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